Our Lady of Lourdes Primary is the perfect choice for your child. Learn more and enrol today!
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Give your child the best opportunity to develop academically, spiritually and socially.
All members at Our Lady of Lourdes Primary aim to work collaboratively to ensure that we are an authentic Catholic school, committed to quality teaching and learning. All individuals are valued and the development and dignity of every child is nurtured and encouraged.
Our school proclaims Jesus and his good news by example, and through celebration and our mission statement. We are an active faith community and are part of our local parish church community. Our school is a place where we aim to live out our school motto, To Know, To Love and To Serve, daily.
Excellent opportunities are provided for our students to develop academically and spiritually within a caring community. We are proud of the quality relationships that exist between students, parents, staff and parish.
Excellent educators
Students at Our Lady of Lourdes benefit from a team of professional and committed educators.
Their teachers are lifelong learners themselves, and therefore know what it takes to develop a love of learning in your child. They meet each child where they are on their learning journey, and challenge and support them to become the best learner they can be. OLOL students are taught to think critically, solve real-world problems and take responsibility for their own learning.
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A nurturing faith-filled community
Our Lady of Lourdes students are nurtured within a Christ-centred faith community. One which is committed to developing the whole person and providing quality teaching and learning. In addition to this, we offer a number of special education and learning programs which cater to the needs of individual students.
Our students are at the centre of all we do at OLOL, shown through our commitment to:
- fostering quality relationships
- treating students with respect and understanding
- encouraging independence, responsibility and self-discipline
- providing a safe and caring environment
- recognising and valuing each student's personal achievements
- supporting and assisting the students to realise their potential
Relevant and personalised learning
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary is committed to providing the widest possible education and the children are exposed to a wide range of experiences as they explore the six key learning areas of Religious Education, Mathematics, English, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment and Creative and Practical Arts.
We see the importance of developing the whole person and providing quality teaching and learning to enable students to become lifelong learners. Learning at Our Lady of Lourdes Primary uses flexible, innovative and creative teaching practices, coupled with modern technology to motivate our students to become the best learners they can be.
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Opportunities beyond the classroom
We have a range of activities on offer. These include co-curricular activities such as the Voice of Youth public speaking competition, the School Band, Fundraising for St Vincent de Paul and Caritas Australia, and the Young Leaders leadership day; Special Education programs such as literacy support and the Maths Olympiad; and wellbeing and pastoral care programs such as the buddy, Peer Support, and social skills programs, and social justice workshops and outreach initiatives.
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Sporting Opportunities
At Our Lady of Lourdes Primary we aim to educate the whole child. In doing so, we provide a range of sporting opportunities for our students to participate in, both competitively and simply for fun, friendship and fitness.
Some of these sporting opportunities include:
- Learn-to-Swim program
- diocesan representative team sports
- swimming carnivals
- athletics carnivals
- cross country
- fun run
- soccer
- touch football
- cricket
- basketball
- gymnastics
- netball
- rugby league
- tee-ball
Before and After School Care
Need your child minded after 3pm and you're working?
Need to get to work and have to drop off your child before school starts? Fear not... help is at hand!
Operating from 7:00am-9:00am and 3:00pm-6:00pm, Cubbyhouse Before and After School Care operates within the school grounds and provides an interesting, caring and safe environment for our students. Casual bookings are available .
Outside School Hours Care 2022
In 2022 this service will be conducted by an organisation within the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. Please see information regarding Outside School Hours Care 2022 outside-school-hours-care-2022.
Learn moreMaking a difference to the world
A strong sense of social justice is evident in the school and we encourage all students to become aware of a variety of global social justice issues. Our Lady of Lourdes Primary maintains strong links within the wider community in responding to the welfare of others. We encourage students to become social justice volunteers and they are wonderful leaders in organising support for:
- Project Compassion
- Mission Week activities
- St Vincent de Paul Society, and
- Cana community.
An engaged parent community
We believe both home and school share a common aim – to help each child grow into a happy, fulfilled and creative individual. We welcome and appreciate our active parent community who participate in all aspects of school life, including:
- parish pastoral council
- parent group
- liturgical celebrations
- sports days
- classroom literacy
- social and fundraising functions
- creative arts
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