Parental Involvement

We believe that parents are key members of the community and as such, they are encouraged to participate in the school community and the life of our school.

In addition to our Parents Group, parents are also welcome to get involved in formal and informal parent groups and social activities.

Parents are invited to attend all liturgical celebrations in the school. We ask them to participate in particular aspects, such as reading or offertory processions, and we encourage them to pray with the whole school at assemblies.

Parents are encouraged to become involved in classroom activities, library, kiss & drop, canteen, and excursions. Some of the opportunities for parents include:

  • parish pastoral council
  • parent group
  • liturgical celebrations
  • sports days
  • classroom literacy
  • social and fundraising functions
  • creative arts

Each term, a general meeting is held to enable parents to participate in the decision-making processes of the school.

We believe both home and school share a common aim - to help each child grow into a happy, fulfilled and creative individual.


Parent Group

The parent group is a representative group for parents in the school. The group works closely with the school leadership team to suggest ideas and manage fundraising initiatives, among other things.

To register your interest for the parent group, please email


Start the Volunteer and Contractor Training

Volunteer Training

We welcome the contribution volunteers make to the life of our school.

As we are committed to keeping students safe, all volunteers in schools are required to complete the building child safe communities undertaking form and child protection training module before volunteering. These checks reduce potential risk and forms part of our strategy to build child safe communities.

Start Your Online Training